TXT Hurricane Allie by Rachel Hauck (Goodreads Author) pdf online

TXT Hurricane Allie by Rachel Hauck (Goodreads Author) pdf online

TXT Hurricane Allie by Rachel Hauck (Goodreads Author) pdf online

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Book description
Even natural disasters cant stop love! Wedding bells are chiming for Allie Stetson and Kyle Landon. As Allie rushes through wedding preparations days before her wedding, Kyle makes a last minute trip to New York to secure a new client. Meanwhile, a hurricane bears down on the coast days before their wedding. Is it a bad sign the storm is named Allie? Stuck in New York, Kyle struggles to find a way home. Meanwhile, Allie scrambles to find Plan B. Her perfect wedding is ruined but not even the forces of nature can stop a wedding that was meant to be.
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