TXT Honor by Daniel Grotta (Goodreads Author) read without signing audio fb2 online

TXT Honor by Daniel Grotta (Goodreads Author) read without signing audio fb2 online

TXT Honor by Daniel Grotta (Goodreads Author) read without signing audio fb2 online

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Book description
What is it to be honorable? In the eyes of others? In your own heart? Is it what youve done or who you are?Jeff Smith was, as his bully of a brother-in-law Gene Engelhardt was fond of retelling, “what the cat dragged in.” A scruffy, bearded hippie Gene’s sister Bonne had met and fallen deeply in love with decades ago at a Washington peace rally against the Vietnam War. Even shaved and doing whatever the Engelhardts wanted, his in-laws never accepted or approved of Jeff. Now, Jeff is saddled with a family, a dead end job, and, after Bonnie died of cancer, a mountain of debt. Only Jeff has a secret and a unique possession that could possibly solve his financial problems and help his daughter realize her dream, if he can ever overcome the guilt and shame that has haunted him for over thirty years.Honor, a novella by Daniel Grotta, explores the human cost when patriotism, personal ethics and the deep bond of friendship collide. Honor is the first in a series of stories from Pixel Hall Press set in the fictional Pocono Mountains village of Black Bear, Pennsylvania. Black Bear, Pennsylvania is a fictional village in the Poconos Mountains created as a literary folie à deux by Daniel Grotta and his wife Sally Wiener Grotta. Both Daniel and Sally are dipping into the same pool of invented locale and characters to write a series of separate stories and novels that will, eventually, paint a full picture of the diversity of life and relationships in a small mountain village. The next Black Bear story will be a full length novel called Jo Joe, by Sally Wiener Grotta.
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