TXT Henry Ayers: The Man Who Became a Rock by Jason Shute free english txt how to store

TXT Henry Ayers: The Man Who Became a Rock by Jason Shute free english txt how to store

TXT Henry Ayers: The Man Who Became a Rock by Jason Shute free english txt how to store

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Book description
The most wonderful natural feature I have ever seen. With these words the explorer William Gosse expressed the awe he and many others have felt at the natural phenomenon of Uluru.  The first white person to reach the central Australian monolith, he gave it the name Ayers Rock.  But who was Henry Ayers, the man whose name is forever associated with Australias most recognizable natural icon? And why should he still be remembered today?Although the rock now carries its ancient indigenous name, Uluru, the name of Ayers is still linked with the the Rock’s discovery in 1873. Indeed, Ayers Rock is one of the most famous natural wonders on earth and, despite its remote location, attracts over 400,000 visitors each year. This book, the first biography of Henry Ayers, focuses attention on the complex character behind the name and examines all aspects of his life -- from his humble origins in the naval city of Portsmouth in southern England, his migration to Australia and his career as a miner, businessman and eventually as Premier of South Australia -- a post to which he was elected seven times. It provides a fascinating insight into Australian history through the life of a man who was consistently in the upper echelons of influence and authority in colonial society and whose legacy lives through his association with the most famous and recognisable natural feature of his adopted country. 
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