TXT Hana no Kishi, Vol. 1 by Mai Nishikata windows read doc no registration full version

TXT Hana no Kishi, Vol. 1 by Mai Nishikata windows read doc no registration full version

TXT Hana no Kishi, Vol. 1 by Mai Nishikata windows read doc no registration full version

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Book description

Book description
Ever since the day Ran Kuronos older brother, was killed while protecting Sei Ohtori, she has dedicated her skills and life to one day becoming the First Knight of the next head of the Ohtori family, even concealing the fact that shes a woman forever. For generations the Kurono family has served the Ohtori family as their First Knight, but 11 other lower knights with ill intentions of using the Ohtori familys authority vie for that title. Not only that, but Sei is being tested to see if she is suitable for having the title of head of the family. Upon entering Saint Locks Academy, the days of both Ran and Seis trials begin, all the while being helped by Seis untidy and unrefined fiance, Ibara Tennou.
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