TXT Great Expectations: The Toddler Years: The Essential Guide to Your 1- to 3-Year-Old by Sandy Jones download book free pdf

TXT Great Expectations: The Toddler Years: The Essential Guide to Your 1- to 3-Year-Old by Sandy Jones download book free pdf

TXT Great Expectations: The Toddler Years: The Essential Guide to Your 1- to 3-Year-Old by Sandy Jones download book free pdf

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Book description
The Toddler Years, like many parenting books out there, is best read with a freshly opened container of salt sitting next to you. Luckily, you can buy salt at most grocery stores for less than $1. I did enjoy the book, which is why as I wavered between 3 star and 4 I ended up choosing 4. I really like how Jones cites actual scientific studies, on everything from how far a toddler would walk daily if unrestricted (29 football fields) to the lowdown on TV (the problem is not what TV does to your child, its what it doesnt do for your child). My favorite chapters were on Physical Skills and development, teaching your child emotional skills and moving from a no mindset to a yes teaching style, and play. Now for the salt, which should be sprinkled liberally across many pages. Like many parenting books, this one starts to come across as, You Must Do This In This Exact Way Or You Are Ruining Your Childs Life Forever. Apparently Im a terrible person because I do not give my daughter a bath as part of her bedtime ritual. I dont know why that makes me terrible, but it does. I should be spending my daughters nap time setting up art activities for her--lets make the high risk of postpartum depression extend from the first year of your childs life to the first three. Yet it is a well-written, thorough, helpful book. It also would make a good reference book--flip it open when you need ideas on helping your child sleep or want a suggestion for a fun imaginative activity. Whether you read snip-its or straight-through, the key is to read many of the sections as suggestions, and to pretend then many sentences begin with the phrase, If you are having a problem with _______, then you may want to try... I did check the book out from the library, so I was forced to read with metaphorical rather than physical salt, but I found some of the ideas, suggestions, and information helpful enough that I typed up several pages of notes.
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