TXT Grandpa Gazillions Number Yard by Laurie Keller kindle online bookshop without signing full version

TXT Grandpa Gazillions Number Yard by Laurie Keller kindle online bookshop without signing full version

TXT Grandpa Gazillions Number Yard by Laurie Keller kindle online bookshop without signing full version

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Book description
Don’t you hate when your eyebrows fall into your soup? Dig them out with a SIX—it’s a great eyebrow scoop! If you ever thought that numbers were only for counting—think again! At Grandpa Gazillion’s Number Yard, numbers have all sorts of uses that can come in handy when in a pinch. For instance, a two can be used as a saxophone, a ten makes a great pogo stick, and a fourteen is a terrific sailboat. So head over to Grandpa Gazillion’s Number Yard and stock up on numbers, because you never know when you just might need them! In her signature style, Laurie Keller has created a wonderfully inventive counting book—from one to twenty—that will keep children laughing and learning.
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