TXT Go-Go Gorillas by Julia Durango (Goodreads Author) portable online fb2 audio read

TXT Go-Go Gorillas by Julia Durango (Goodreads Author) portable online fb2 audio read

TXT Go-Go Gorillas by Julia Durango (Goodreads Author) portable online fb2 audio read

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Book description
From bicycles to jalopies, Go-Go Gorillas has all the vehicles you need for one wild ride! Aunt Minerva in her rollerblades, Cousin Clementine in her hot air balloon, and little ol’ Granny in her plane all help lead the way as a total of ten gorillas use crafty forms of transportation and answer King Big Daddy’s call to come and hear the news: A baby gorilla is born! With an irresistible refrain and rollicking, read-aloud rhymes, this vividly illustrated adventure is an instant vehicle for fun!
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