TXT Gather Ye Rosebuds by Joan Smith value selling read itunes djvu

TXT Gather Ye Rosebuds by Joan Smith value selling read itunes djvu

TXT Gather Ye Rosebuds by Joan Smith value selling read itunes djvu

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Book description
Zoie Barron is taking over her late uncles room and turning it into an art studio. While renovating the room she discovers a diamond necklace that a neighbor had reported stolen! While trying to discreetly return the necklace to the late Lady Margaret Weylins family, Zoie is caught by the current Lord Weylin and practically accused of being a thief. Lord Weylin takes an interest in the affair of the missing necklace and together they set out to solve the mystery that involves Zoies late uncle Barry and Weylins late aunt Margaret. What they find is not what they expected - in more ways than one. The pair must solve the mystery before the butler bleeds them dry or runs off with the clue. Joan Smith is hit or miss with me usually and while I liked this one, I didnt love it. The story is told in first person present tense and first person past tense. The first person narrative is really limiting in a romance because you never get the other persons point-of-view. I got used to it after awhile and didnt really miss the head jumping. The focus of the story was on the mystery anyway. I liked the mystery once it got going but it seemed really stupid of Zoie to try to return a necklace without a)checking to see if it was real and b)checking to see if it WAS indeed the missing necklace and c)trying to return it without getting caught. I wasnt surprised much by the reveal. Once the clues started to come together, I figured it out. I wasnt surprised by the final clue though it wasnt something that had crossed my mind in the last several chapters. There are a whole lot of coincidences in this book but the story is not improbable. The romance doesnt really develop strongly. The clues are there but the reader has to guess what the characters are feeling. I dont really get what Zoie sees in the hero.I liked Zoie for the most part though shes pretty stupid at first. Shes resourceful and strong but not foolhardy. Weylin didnt really appeal to me much. Hes high handed a bit and quit top lofty. Zoie keeps putting him in his place a bit like Elizabeth Bennet does with Darcy. I preferred the kind artist Count Borsini for the same reasons Zoie did. My two favorite characters are the servants: Bradogan, the tough Irish housekeeper and Steptoe, the thieving butler. P.G. Wodehouse would also be amused by Steptoe. Steptoe is one of those people you love to hate but enjoy because hes the comic relief. This is a pleasant, entertaining story for a bit of mindless fluff. It was available through OverDrive media at my local library.
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