TXT Fire Pearl by Cyndi Friberg (Goodreads Author) buy amazon bookstore download epub

TXT Fire Pearl by Cyndi Friberg (Goodreads Author) buy amazon bookstore download epub

TXT Fire Pearl by Cyndi Friberg (Goodreads Author) buy amazon bookstore download epub

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Book description
Beyond Ontariese, Book Five: Lord Drakkin promises his dying friend that he will protect and train Aria. He will unleash her latent abilities and help her reach her Mystic potential. But first he must find her.Drakkin tracks Aria to Earth, but quickly realizes its too dangerous to leave her there. He is shocked by her resistance and the passion she ignites in him. He is honor bound to keep his vow, with or without her cooperation.After years of abuse and isolation, Aria has found a life of her own. Then Drakkin sweeps in and kidnaps her, claiming his bizarre behavior is for her own good. Despite the attraction smoldering between them, she wants nothing to do with the arrogant Bilarrian. No one will ever control her again, not even the charismatic stranger who sends her senses reeling every time they touch.Note to Readers: This book contains detailed descriptions of sizzling passion only suitable for mature readers.From Cyndi: Drakkin and Arias story was originally the second half of Crossfire. But numerous emails requested that I separate and expand the story into its own book. Ive always been fascinated by Drakkin, so it didnt take much to convince me to delve deeper into his character. I more than doubled the length of the original story and I hope everyone will be satisfied with the result. Though Fire Pearl is primarily a scifi romance, it also has some fun paranormal and mystery elements. So, here is the new and improved Fire Pearl. Enjoy!
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