TXT Film Form: Essays in Film Theory by Sergei Eisenstein purchase find tom online kindle

TXT Film Form: Essays in Film Theory by Sergei Eisenstein purchase find tom online kindle

TXT Film Form: Essays in Film Theory by Sergei Eisenstein purchase find tom online kindle

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Book description
I may have approached reading Film Form from the wrong angle. I initially approached it as an artist, looking for a critical approach to film-making. In this, I was disappointed. Part of the problem is that Eisenstein tries to take a scientific approach to something that cannot be systematized - the means by which an image produces an emotional response. He is constantly invoking music as a comparison - but unfortunately, the systems by which aural and visual information are processed in our brains are entirely different. Certain intervals in music are hard-wired to activate various emotional responses. Our responses to visual imagery, however, is much more top-down, and as a result much more chaotic. Eisensteins project was doomed to failure in its conception.However, the book is interesting as a historical document. Eisenstein took his role as ideological mouthpiece for the communist party very seriously - and it is interesting, in a world so skeptical of political art, to see someone write so directly about the political aims of his art.
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