TXT Explorers Guide 50 Hikes in Michigan: Sixty Walks, Day Trips, and Backpacks in the Lower Peninsula by Jim Dufresne audio find store price download

TXT Explorers Guide 50 Hikes in Michigan: Sixty Walks, Day Trips, and Backpacks in the Lower Peninsula by Jim Dufresne audio find store price download

TXT Explorers Guide 50 Hikes in Michigan: Sixty Walks, Day Trips, and Backpacks in the Lower Peninsula by Jim Dufresne audio find

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Book description
As DuFresne notes in his introduction, From sand dunes without even a blade of grass, to the towering monarchs of Hartwick Pines virgin forests, from miles of beach that turn gold with every Lake Michigan sunset to one of the eleven thousand inland lakes where on a still evening bass rise to the surface like trout—all these wonders of the Midwest can be reached by hiking foot trails. The hikes in this completely revised and expanded second edition range from 1.5 to 35 miles in length. Hikers will learn where to find the best trailside fishing, birding, and wildlife watching, as well as where to go to find fall color and undisturbed backcountry camping. Each hike description includes directions to the trailhead; a detailed map; trail distance, difficulty, and hiking time; explicit trail directions, and a description of natural and historic features along the way.
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