TXT Encyclopedia of Haunted Places: Ghostly Locales from Around the World by Jeff Belanger eReader online read pocket price

TXT Encyclopedia of Haunted Places: Ghostly Locales from Around the World by Jeff Belanger eReader online read pocket price

TXT Encyclopedia of Haunted Places: Ghostly Locales from Around the World by Jeff Belanger eReader online read pocket price

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Book description

Book description
Great book for a quick reference. Jeff Belanger continues to be one of the best researchers in the paranormal field. This book is somewhat-perfect for paranormal investigators. Going on a vacation trip and wanna know any good haunts nearby? This book will cover it.A bit of caution to the readers though. This book only covers some of the famous haunts in major cities or popular destinations. Its definitely NOT the end-to-all Book of Haunted Places because its still missing quite a bit of our locally famous haunts and so on. Im also bummed out on some of the haunted places that Jeff covers in the book. Some places will only get a paragraph while other places will get a page or two worth of information/accounting.Please Note: This review is based on the First Edition (as the cover shown on GoodReads). The Second Edition has new haunted locations, sporting a different cover and only available in paperback.
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