TXT Embracing My Submission by Jenna Jacob (Goodreads Author) cheap store read without signing reader

TXT Embracing My Submission by Jenna Jacob (Goodreads Author) cheap store read without signing reader

TXT Embracing My Submission by Jenna Jacob (Goodreads Author) cheap store read without signing reader

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Book description
Haunted for years by dreams of a savage, amber eyed Dominant with lips so enticing my soul ached in frustration and lust. None of the Dominants at Genesis, my local BDSM club ever stirred me in such blistering ways. While I tried to fill my submissive desires vicariously through interactions at the club, I attempted to convince myself it was enough. But it wasn’t. My dream Dom made certain I hungered for more.Forced beyond what I could bear, my passion and frustration exploded. I threw in the towel, determined to stop chasing a dream and gave up completely on finding submissive surrender. But fate intervened when two gunshots split the night. Forced to confront my desires and insecurities, I was shocked to realize that my dreams may have held a deeper meaning. Were they compelling me to finally embrace my submission?
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