TXT Designed Maps: A Sourcebook for GIS Users by Cynthia A. Brewer eng full no registration francais download

TXT Designed Maps: A Sourcebook for GIS Users by Cynthia A. Brewer eng full no registration francais download

TXT Designed Maps: A Sourcebook for GIS Users by Cynthia A. Brewer eng full no registration francais download

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Book description
This sequel to the highly successful Designing Maps, offers a graphics-intensive presentation of published maps, providing cartographic examples that GIS users can then adapt for their own needs. Each chapter characterizes a common design decision and includes a demonstration map, which is annotated with specific information needed to reproduce the design, such as text fonts, sizes and styles; line weights, colors, and patterns; marker symbol fonts, sizes, and colors; and fill colors and patterns. Visual hierarchies and the purpose of each map are considered with the audience in mind, drawing a clear connection between intent and design. The book also includes a valuable task index that explains what ArcGIS 9 tools to use for desired cartographic effects. From experienced cartographers to those who make GIS maps only occasionally, all GIS users will find this book to be an indispensable resource.
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