TXT Cleburne: A Graphic Novel by Justin Murphy (Goodreads Author) review link english torrent book

TXT Cleburne: A Graphic Novel by Justin Murphy (Goodreads Author) review link english torrent book

TXT Cleburne: A Graphic Novel by Justin Murphy (Goodreads Author) review link english torrent book

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Book description
[u]Cleburne[/u] is the true story of Irish immigrant and Confederate General Patrick Cleburne and his plan to enlist slaves to fight for the South during the American Civil War. According to Cleburnes proposal all African Americans who served the Confederacy as soldiers would receive their freedom upon enlistment. This was a revolutionary concept for its day and sent Cleburnes life spiraling down a perilous road. Set during the critical year of 1864, and culminating in the bloody Battle of Franklin, [u]Cleburne[/u] is a tale of unbeatable courage in the face of racism, conspiracy and war.
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