TXT Child Holocaust Survivors: Memories and Reflections by Robert Krell mobi ibooks ipad

TXT Child Holocaust Survivors: Memories and Reflections by Robert Krell mobi ibooks ipad

TXT Child Holocaust Survivors: Memories and Reflections by Robert Krell mobi ibooks ipad

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Book description
The majority of children who survived the Holocaust, whether in hiding or in labour and concentration camps, remained silent about their wartime experiences. Those who wanted to talk, were often silenced by well-meaning adults who advised them to forget the past and get on with their lives. The memories and traumas simmered for nearly forty years, each child growing into adulthood thinking they alone struggled with the problems of traumatic memory, identity confusion and other consequences. In the 1980s, there was a stirring of awareness amongst some child survivors about issues to be addressed. Small groups formed in the U.S.A. and Canada and gave birth to the child survivor movement, culminating in a large international gathering of Hidden Children in New York in 1991. This book comprises a compilation of talks offered to child Holocaust survivors, over a 25 year period - from the birth of self-awareness to present day awareness of the need to inform the next generations of their parents experiences. Dasberg, Krell and Wiesel are themselves child survivors. Moskovitz founded the Los Angeles Child Survivor group following her pioneering study of child survivors. Gilbert has written and lectured extensively about children in the Holocaust. This book offers the child survivor an opportunity to reflect not only on survival but its effects. For the spouses and children it clarifies some of the dynamics unique to their families and for Mental Health professionals it provides insights into the effects of trauma as well as the remarkable resilience of traumatized children.
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