TXT Charles Ryders Schooldays and Other Stories by Evelyn Waugh read pc link english iBooks

TXT Charles Ryders Schooldays and Other Stories by Evelyn Waugh read pc link english iBooks

TXT Charles Ryders Schooldays and Other Stories by Evelyn Waugh read pc link english iBooks

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Book description
A collection of short fiction by the only first-rate comic genius that has appeared in England since Bernard Shaw (according to Edmund Wilson), Charles Ryders Schooldays returns to print eleven short stories by Evelyn Waugh, together with a recently discovered sketch about the early life and family background of Charles Ryder, the nostalgic hero of Brideshead Revisited. Likely intended as the first chapter of a novel tracing the emotional roots of the Brideshead narrator, the title story is a sensitive, convincing portrait of a young man emerging from schoolboy conformity to a tentative criticism of the subhuman, wholly respectable world around him. The other stories--brilliant entertainments in the manner of Waughs early comic novels--include By Special Request (written as an alternative ending to A Handful of Dust) and Incident in Azania, a return to the scene of Black Mischief. A worthy and welcome addition to Waughs published works, these stories display all the outrageous wit and satiric intelligence for which Time awarded him a roomy cell in the murderers row (Swift, Pope, Wilde, and Shaw) of English letters.
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