TXT Captivate Me by S.J. Pierce (Goodreads Author) amazon review cheap view read

TXT Captivate Me by S.J. Pierce (Goodreads Author) amazon review cheap view read

TXT Captivate Me by S.J. Pierce (Goodreads Author) amazon review cheap view read

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Book description
Captivate Me is Book One of The Captivated Series, a Young Adult Paranormal RomanceMy mom had always told me - when you meet the one, youll know; theyll captivate your heart the moment you lay eyes on them. I had always wondered, though, if my moms words of wisdom were finite - if they applied to everyone. Maybe those who had found their one great love were the lucky few, and maybe the rest of us would have to settle for less than earth-shattering.All seventeen-year-old Kathrin Walsh wanted when she transferred to a school for the Gifted was to feel accepted and normal, and she does... mostly. But when dreams of another boy make her question her relationship, kids go missing, and she learns something troubling about what she is and why her future will forever be altered, she quickly realizes that normal is only an illusion, and that love can walk a fine line between captivating and maddening, or even worse - it can make you abandon all trace of reason. Love can be deadly.From the bestselling author of the Alyx Rayer Chronicles, comes a refreshingly different Young Adult series with plenty of love, suspense, and a new take on the Paranormal.Recommended for readers 16 and up due to mature content.
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