TXT Camping With The Boys by Sock Drawer Press tablet mobile book djvu read

TXT Camping With The Boys by Sock Drawer Press tablet mobile book djvu read

TXT Camping With The Boys by Sock Drawer Press tablet mobile book djvu read

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Book description
I have seen this book with two different names: Camping with the Boys and Camping with the Guys. The characters have just graduated high school and are about to start their lives-why not one more camping trip. They all get drunk (yes they are under age, but it is still believable, and this story isnt meant for YAs so it should influence drinking on younger people any more than it influences 3 on 1 sex) and they let their inhibitions go. All three guys wouldnt mind doing their friend, she hears their admission to each other and decides-why not! From there on it is hot, raunchy sexcapades and boy is it hot!!
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