TXT Calculate Like a Grandmaster: Learn from the World-Class Attacking Players by Daniel Gormally look eng full story read

TXT Calculate Like a Grandmaster: Learn from the World-Class Attacking Players by Daniel Gormally look eng full story read

TXT Calculate Like a Grandmaster: Learn from the World-Class Attacking Players by Daniel Gormally look eng full story read

> READ BOOK > Calculate Like a Grandmaster: Learn from the World-Class Attacking Players

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Book description

Book description
This is a penetrating study of the attacking methods of the most aggressive chess players of the modern era-from 1960s world champion Mikhail Tal to Magnus Carlsen, teenage leader of todays new wave of deadly attackers. The attacking style is a good choice for any chess competitor, but especially for less advanced players, who will relish the fireworks it produces. The first book from one of the UKs leading Grandmasters, this unique guide is illustrated with a wealth of examples from top-level games.
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