TXT Bubbles Unbound by Sarah Strohmeyer (Goodreads Author) read mobi on ipad

TXT Bubbles Unbound by Sarah Strohmeyer (Goodreads Author) read mobi on ipad

TXT Bubbles Unbound by Sarah Strohmeyer (Goodreads Author) read mobi on ipad

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Book description
It doesn’t help that her name’s Bubbles. Or that she’s a gum-snapping hairdresser with Barbie-doll curves pinched into hot pants and a tube top. Or that she’s saddled with a sleazy ex-hubby, a precocious daughter and a shoplifting mother. What can a beautician do to add new highlights to her image? For starters, trip over a corpse, and implicate a wealthy town socialite in the crime. Now, with a well-muscled photographer by her side, Bubbles is playing star sleuth. But as the investigation unravels, her shining moment grows as dark as a shopgirl’s roots. However dangerous her new career, at least the hottest graduate of Two Guys Community College is finally busting loose—and this time she’s really giving Lehigh, Pennsylvania something to talk about. Sarah Strohmeyer won the 2002 Agatha Award for best first mystery for Bubbles Unbound.
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