TXT Best Friend 2 by R.L. Stine (Goodreads Author) ipad download sale without signing offline

TXT Best Friend 2 by R.L. Stine (Goodreads Author) ipad download sale without signing offline

TXT Best Friend 2 by R.L. Stine (Goodreads Author) ipad download sale without signing offline

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Moral of the Story: If someone is stalking you, get a restraining order.Body Count: 1, EricThe Usual Suspect(s): Honey PerkinsTagline: There isnt one!Plot: I have not read the first book. As Ive said, our library seems to have tons of Fear Street sequels but not the first in a series. Thats kind of a bummer. Guess it doesnt matter anyway; most people HATED The Best Friend. In fact, that is why this book exists. RL Stine held a contest to see who could come up with the best answer to What should happen to Honey Perkins? Apparently some chick named Sara in Wisconsin had the winning entry, and thus this book was born. I guess the ending of the first one was very open (and nothing bad happened to evil Honey), but this one wasnt too infuriating, though I guess Honey could still come back at any time.Our protagonist from the first book, Becka Norwood, is back. She is starting a new school one town over in Waynesbridge. There is a huge purple wad of gum on the Waynesbridge High sign. That image just really stuck with me. Beckas had to talk to counselors for the past year now, ever since the craziness with Honey. For those who didnt read the first one, it was a very Roommate (or Single White Female) type situation. Honey came into Beckas life announcing that theyd known each other forever. Becka had never seen her before. Honey moved next door, borrowed Beckas clothes, dated Beckas old boyfriends... until she tried to KILL Beckas friends and BECOME Becka. She even killed Beckas boyfriend, Bill, and blamed it on Becka. Becka doesnt want to relive all of this with her new guidance counselor, but she realizes she might as well get it over with.So she recaps all of the above. Becka slides in late to History. She meets a beautiful, supermodel-looking girl named Glynis who offers to help her catch up on the notes shes missed for the past three weeks. Later on in the hall Becka meets Glyniss friend Frankie. She feels that there is an immediate attraction between them, but she isnt sure if Frankie feels the same way or if he is already dating Glynis. Frankie invites Becka to join them at a pizza joint after school, and Becka is overjoyed. Again with the pizza!!First, she stops at Glyniss house to hang out. She is trying on some of Glyniss clothes and Glynis helps her pick out a cool outfit. Becka keeps the clothes when Glynis leaves the room, stating that best friends ALWAYS share with each other. Hmmmmmmm.While out for pizza and Coke, Becka spots her former boyfriend Eric. Becka seems a bit unstable to me at this point. Very overeager. This is because as soon as she spots Eric she immediately ditches Frankie and Glynis and then goes out to Erics car and apologizes for not keeping in touch and starts making out with him. She makes a date with him for later on in the week. THEN she leaves him abruptly. She is overwhelmed by what a great day it has been. She goes home to paint her fingernails. In the process she has an imaginary phone call with Frankie in which he professes his love for her and then she realizes that she has written BILL all over her face in nail polish. Seems that she really isnt recovered after all.Later on at the mall she runs into Eric. Shes pretty stoked to see him until he calls her Honey. This sends her into a fit of rage. She screams at him not to call her that, but Eric points behind her and shows that the REAL Becka is standing a foot away. DUN DUN DUN. Honey loses her shit and finds the nearest weapon, which happens to be a pair of beads. Instead of killing the actual Becka, she strangles Eric to death for daring to call her Honey. Wow. Im impressed already!Then we get to part 2 with the ACTUAL Becka attending Erics funeral. Remember, Eric is the guy she dated before Bill. It turns out that Bill is alive. A humdinger, this book is. He was stabbed by Honey, but his lung was all that he lost. Hes making it by fine on one lung. He tells Becka this after the funeral, but she isnt able to talk to him or look him in the eye. This really upsets Bill, who cant believe that she wont reconsider all they used to have. Becka has a new boyfriend now named Larry, but she treats him like shit throughout the whole book. Poor Larry. Hes the Winston Egbert of this series.Beckas best friends Lilah (Lila!) and Trish also lived through Honeys horrors. Apparently Becka never visited Trish in the hospital because she was so distraught and trying to recover from being blamed for what happened to Bill. Now that Becka knows Honey is on the loose again, she gets a restraining order. No, Im just kidding! Shes not that smart!! She doesnt even really tell her parents or the police what is going on. The police ARE on the hunt for Honey, however. I kind of love her. She is the Margo Black of Fear Street. Instead of protecting herself from blatant evil, Becka asks her doctor, Dr. Perlberg, if she can have an increase in her medication. Yes, because THAT will stop the crazy.The late-night phone calls start again, where Becka is constantly threatened. One night she finds the seats of her car slashed up with a dead rat gutted in the middle of the seat. Ugh! Every chapters end, I kid you not, ends with the shock of Becka running into Honey.... except that its never actually Honey she runs into. Surprised? Im not. Ive got these Fear Street down to a science over the past couple of days. Right before Part 3 Becka receives another phone call in which Honey promises her best friend that she has something sharp and shiny for her. Becka is as crazy as Honey at this point. She is completely ignoring Larry and thinks that every single person is Honey. One day Becka thinks she sees something shiny like a knife behind her car. Before she can freak out, however, Honey jumps out and attacks her. She literally smashes Beckas face into the ground and tells her that SHE is Becka. She is Becka, goddamnit!! After having to receive stitches in the hospital, Becka finally tells her parents whats going on and her father calls the police.For some reason, Becka decides she should go on a date with Larry. They go to a local restaurant. Predictably, Becka sees Honey coming towards her with a knife. Only its not Honey - its an auburn-haired waitress handing a steak knife to a customer. Becka flies off the deep end. She keeps screeching about how shes crazy! she wants to kill me! and the waitress is mortified because she thinks Becka is talking about her.Larry drives her home and offers to keep her company, which would be a smart move, all things considered. Becka is a dumbass and insists that its FINE for her to go into her house alone. Not only that, but she thinks its okay to LEAVE ALL THE LIGHTS OFF as she goes upstairs. She just wants to crawl into bed and go to sleep. Tough luck, kid. Her bed is covered in blood, which she discovers when she FINALLY turns on the lights. There is a message smeared on her mirror that says This is u. Becka starts screeching and raving again, and she collapses in her dads arms. She spends the night in a cot in the basement, which would be even creepier to me.The next night she receives another creepy call with Honey telling her that shes coming for her best friend right now. Becka decides to flee the house. She is greeted by Bill at the door who has come to talk AGAIN. The phone rings once more, and Becka decides to answer it. This time its Lilah, but Becka has no time to listen to what she has to say. She leaves with Bill who promises to keep her safe at his fathers condo (or somesuch) in Fear Street Woods. I am proud of myself, because I was immediately suspicious of Bill. CLEARLY something is up here.They arrive at the condo, and its just as Becka remembers it. The phone rings as soon as she gets there, and Becka is surprised. When she answers its Lilah on the phone again. Lilah tells her that the police caught Honey a day or so after she beat Beckas face into the pavement. This means that all the blood and the creepy message in Beckas room were NOT the result of Honeys work. DUN DUN DUN.I need to backtrack a minute and say that in the first book no backstory was given on Honey. She just claimed to know Becka and that was that. (At least, thats what I gather from other reviews.) In this one it is revealed that Becka DID know Honey when she was younger. Honey was Hannah, a girl whose entire family was shot and so she had to go live with her uncle. She wanted desperately to be Beckas friend back then. She wanted ANYBODY as a friend. She was very needy. Becka played a cruel trick on her and told her that if she barked onstage in front of the whole school that she could be part of the Cool Club for life. Yikes, Becka. After that, Becka never saw Hannah again. Until she became Honey, that is.So now Becka is in a condo that suddenly doesnt feel so safe. Bill comes back from getting firewood and sneers at her to get off the phone. Out of the shadows comes Trish, Beckas supposed best friend. She was the mastermind behind Beckas bloodsoaked bedroom (alliteration!). See, shes holding a grudge because Becka never visited her or Bill in the hospital. Trish thinks that Becka is a very selfish friend, and now she has to pay. She pulls out a knife and stabs at Becka but ends up stabbing Bill instead. I hope she doesnt hit his other lung. That Bill has super rotten luck. Becka manages to twist the knife around and hold it up to Trishs throat, and she backs off. The police arrive on the scene, and Becka tries to stop Bill from bleeding out. She promises that shell be a good friend to him this time.The Actual Suspect(s): Honey, Trish, BillGaping Plot Holes: In the beginning Honey has long, auburn hair. A few chapters later it is blonde. Her counselor acknowledges this, but it never says that she dyed it or anything.
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