TXT Besieged: An Encyclopedia of Great Sieges from Ancient Times to the Present by Paul K. Davis mobi ibooks

TXT Besieged: An Encyclopedia of Great Sieges from Ancient Times to the Present by Paul K. Davis mobi ibooks

TXT Besieged: An Encyclopedia of Great Sieges from Ancient Times to the Present by Paul K. Davis mobi ibooks

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Book description
From Joshuas assault on Jericho in the 15th century B.C. to the Russian attack on the Chechen capital of Grozny at the end of the 20th century, siege warfare has been a recurring theme in the human story. Again and again, engineers have built supposedly impregnable fortifications, only to see them overrun by an ingenious enemy.In Besieged, military historian Paul F. Davis analyzes the most crucial sieges in world history, such as the siege of Leningrad, which weakened the Nazi forces in World War II, and that of the Alamo, which culminated in independence for Texas. He also describes important sieges unfamiliar to most readers, such as that of Arcot, where a British victory halted the French takeover of southern India. In engaging, accessible language, Davis tracks the invention of new technologies, analyzes innovative tactics, and tells the human story of conditions both inside and outside the city walls.
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