TXT Being Indispensable: A School Librarians Guide to Becoming an Invaluable Leader by Ruth Toor read txt on iphone

TXT Being Indispensable: A School Librarians Guide to Becoming an Invaluable Leader by Ruth Toor read txt on iphone

TXT Being Indispensable: A School Librarians Guide to Becoming an Invaluable Leader by Ruth Toor read txt on iphone

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Book description
In New on the Job, experts Toor and Weisburg helped newbies make the transition to real-world school librarianship. Being Indispensable is all about staying one: without a proactive approach, school librarians, facing a severe economic downturn and budget cuts, run the risk of becoming an endangered species. In clear, simple, and practical language, this book empowers school librarians by helping them Understand what other stakeholders in a school need and want Demonstrate their importance to administrators, teachers, and parents Plan strategically in both their personal and professional lives Master important tools like advocacy and marketing Making the case for the vital role school librarians play in learning, this book gives readers all the strategies they need to become the kind of leader their school cant do without.
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