TXT Bartholomew Quill: A Crow Learns to Tell Whos Who by Thor Hanson (Goodreads Author) book finder flibusta library ipad

TXT Bartholomew Quill: A Crow Learns to Tell Whos Who by Thor Hanson (Goodreads Author) book finder flibusta library ipad

TXT Bartholomew Quill: A Crow Learns to Tell Whos Who by Thor Hanson (Goodreads Author) book finder flibusta library ipad

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Book description
Bartholomew Quill is clever and curious, but he doesnt know who or what he is. He has feathers not fur, so he cant be a moose; he is black like a puffin but his beak is the wrong color. This determined bird wont stop asking questions until he discovers what the reader knows--Bartholomew Quill is a crow!Acclaimed biologist Thor Hanson takes us on a journey through the animal kingdom, and Dana Arnims exuberant watercolor and ink illustrations add to the magic.
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