TXT Arab Womens Lives Retold: Exploring Identity Through Writing by Nawar Al-Hassan Golley (Editor) read purchase how read cheap eng

TXT Arab Womens Lives Retold: Exploring Identity Through Writing by Nawar Al-Hassan Golley (Editor) read purchase how read cheap eng

TXT Arab Womens Lives Retold: Exploring Identity Through Writing by Nawar Al-Hassan Golley (Editor) read purchase how read cheap

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Book description
Examining late twentieth-century autobiographical writing by Arab women novelists, poets, and artists, this anthology explores the ways in which Arab women have portrayed and created their identities within differing social environments. Even as the collection dismantles standard notions of Arab female subservience, the works presented here go well beyond the confines of those traditional boundaries. The book explores the many routes Arab women writers have taken to speak to each other, to their readers, and to the world at large. Drawing from a rich body of literature, the essays collectively attest to the surprisingly lively and committed roles Arab women play in varied geographic regions, at home and abroad. These recent writings assess how the interplay between individual, private, ethnic identity and the collective, public, global world of politics has impacted Arab womens rights.
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