TXT Aliens Omnibus, Vol. 5 by John Arcudi free eng format epub review

TXT Aliens Omnibus, Vol. 5 by John Arcudi free eng format epub review

TXT Aliens Omnibus, Vol. 5 by John Arcudi free eng format epub review

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Book description
Living with the Alien has become a fact of life—and death—as mankind expands throughout the galaxy. And no matter how each encounter with the deadly xenomorphs inevitably leads to disaster, mans hubris and greed just as inevitably fuel the desire to try to unlock the secrets of the demonic beasts biology or bring the creatures under control as tools to build an even more monstrous future.Dark Horse Comics critically acclaimed Aliens series set the bar for how the universe of a popular film could be expanded through graphic fiction. Aliens Omnibus Volume 5 collects more of these comics classics, featuring over 350 story pages in full color by some of the finest creators in graphic fiction.* Collects Aliens: Alchemy #1-3, Aliens: Kidnapped TPB, Aliens: Cargo one-shot, Aliens: Survival #1-3, Aliens: Alien (DHC #17-19), Aliens: Earth Angel one-shot, Aliens: Incubation (DHP #101-102), Aliens: Havoc #1-2, Aliens: Lovesick one-shot, Aliens: Lucky (Decade of Dark Horse TPB)
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