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This is actually not the same as the book reviewed as Sicilian Husband, Blackmailed Bride.A Sicilian Husband is the story of Gio Cardella, the half-brother of Cesare Santorino of The Sicilians Wife.Gio married his childhood sweetheart and had 10 very happy years of marriage until his wife died two years ago when their young son was not quite one year old.He never believed he would ever love again and his one night with Terrie Hayden was only ever meant to be that. She was the first woman to attract him since the death of his wife.Terrie fell in love with Gio at first sight but his rejection, caused by guilt over his feeling that he betrayed his wife hurt her deeply.This is a lovely story of two people who have to understand the past so they can have a future. Kate Walkers characters are full of emotion and I particular love her Sicilian men who are passionate and vulnerable while still very very alpha.
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