TXT A Land That Lies Westward: Language and Culture in Islay and Argyll by John M. Kirk (Editor) offline get purchase mobile online

TXT A Land That Lies Westward: Language and Culture in Islay and Argyll by John M. Kirk (Editor) offline get purchase mobile online

TXT A Land That Lies Westward: Language and Culture in Islay and Argyll by John M. Kirk (Editor) offline get purchase mobile online

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Book description
Assembling the work of more than 14 scholars, this collection investigates the Isles of Islay and Jura as well as the western seaboard of Argyll from various angles, including language, literature, culture, and history. Deeply informative, this volume offers a major reassessment of the work of 19th-century poet William Livingston, who was a native of Islay, and establishes George Campbell Hay, originally from Jura, as a Renaissance poet. From analyses of the Gaelic language to explanations of the patterns of place-names, this account provides insight into the important role that the islands played in Scottish history.
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