TXT A Geography of Victorian Gothic Fiction: Mapping Historys Nightmares by Robert Mighall without signing djvu italian portable online

TXT A Geography of Victorian Gothic Fiction: Mapping Historys Nightmares by Robert Mighall without signing djvu italian portable online

TXT A Geography of Victorian Gothic Fiction: Mapping Historys Nightmares by Robert Mighall without signing djvu italian portable

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Book description
This is the first major full-length study of Victorian Gothic fiction. Combining original readings of familiar texts with a rich store of historical sources, A Geography of Victorian Gothic Fiction is an historicist survey of nineteenth-century Gothic writing--from Dickens to Stoker, Wilkie Collins to Conan Doyle, through European travelogues, sexological textbooks, ecclesiastic histories and pamphlets on the perils of self-abuse. Critics have thus far tended to concentrate on specific angles of Gothic writing (gender or race), or the belief that the Gothic returned at the so-called fin de siecle. Robert Mighall, by contrast, demonstrates how the Gothic mode was active throughout the Victorian period, and provides historical explanations for its development from late eighteenth century, through the Urban Gothic fictions of the mid-Victorian period, the Suburban Gothic of the Sensation vogue, through to the somatic horrors of Stevenson, Machen, Stoker, and Doyle at the centurys close. Mighall challenges the psychological approach to Gothic fiction which currently prevails, demonstrating the importance of geographical, historical, and discursive factors that have been largely neglected by critics, and employing a variety of original sources to demonstrate the contexts of Gothic fiction and explain its development in the Victorian period.
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