TXT A Garden Gallery: The Plants, Art, and Hardscape of Little and Lewis by George Little online how to look sale format

TXT A Garden Gallery: The Plants, Art, and Hardscape of Little and Lewis by George Little online how to look sale format

TXT A Garden Gallery: The Plants, Art, and Hardscape of Little and Lewis by George Little online how to look sale format

> READ BOOK > A Garden Gallery: The Plants, Art, and Hardscape of Little and Lewis

> ONLINE BOOK > A Garden Gallery: The Plants, Art, and Hardscape of Little and Lewis

> DOWNLOAD BOOK > A Garden Gallery: The Plants, Art, and Hardscape of Little and Lewis

Book description

Book description
Celebrated internationally as artists and gardeners, Little and Lewis open the gates to their renowned Puget Sound garden and share the enthusiasm that informs and enlivens their wild fantasia of plants, hardscape, and art. Water features, oversized and broadleaved plants, expansive use of color, zone-pushing tropicals, architectural emphasis, and elements of classicism and mystery-all combine to create a magical space. The authors describe how you too can achieve this kind of retreat for reflection in your own backyard. From practical advice on how to make a slow-drip natural fountain to tips on building an inexpensive Tuscan-style wall, you will be encouraged to use your imagination and take risks. Stunning photographs perfectly complement the inspiring text.
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