TXT A Bite of Strawberry by William Lashner (Goodreads Author) download via pc without registering bookstore

TXT A Bite of Strawberry by William Lashner (Goodreads Author) download via pc without registering bookstore

TXT A Bite of Strawberry by William Lashner (Goodreads Author) download via pc without registering bookstore

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Book description
Young Victor Carl is a fool for love and money, but he’s not a blind fool. When Victor is propositioned by the woman of his dreams, he knows it’s too good to be true. She offers him the perfect job, a prosperous future, and, best of all, when her tongue is in his mouth, she tastes like strawberries. But it isn’t long before Victor realizes that to keep these prizes, he must keep his client—currently in the clink for murder—from spilling the truth about what really happened the night of the killing. Is Victor ready to be bought? Hell yes. But not until he learns the truth. Someone is being protected, and Victor intends to find out who’s worth all the fuss. Because Victor Carl is willing to sell his soul, sure, especially for a bite of strawberry, but only if the price is right.
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