TREON – Bringing Crypto Revolution To Utility Payments

TREON – Bringing Crypto Revolution To Utility Payments



The new ideas are coming each day. Individuals need to put resources into the new tasks. We have the greatest instrument on the planet, and it is known as the Internet. The web is a gigantic base of data where we can do anything. Web has associated the whole world. One of these ventures is Treon, a token based versatile dashboard and wallet answer for service charge installments, particularly intended for the billions of clients utilizing open utilities to settle their bills utilizing blockchain savvy contract innovation.


Treon is a token-based versatile application offering comfort in review and paying service charges at the same time in a solitary client dashboard. Utilizing the blockchain innovation as spine, paying the bills with only a tick is the thing that Treon implied by its "shrewd contract innovation". 

You can pay the bills utilizing the TXO cash of Treon which is situated in the Ethereum blockchain. TXO offers a protected path in paying the bills utilizing a portable application where service organizations are associated too which brings about a solitary dashboard perspective of all your service charges progressively and prepared in one go. This arrangement gave by Treon will enable individuals from fringes to outskirts or crosswise over countries to pay the essential utilities at the solace of their homes without taking off. 


Treon means to wind up the new "Utilities Money" to execute on and off utility frameworks. We envision a reality where dealt with a record and unbanked purchasers are likewise getting a charge out of the settlement and security of knowing and paying for what they used from minutes of voice calls, gigabytes of information, kilowatts of intensity, warm units of oil gas, or gallons of consumable water. All from one on the web and joined dashboard running on their PDAs and paying for such utilize using their favored cash – crypto or fiat – by couple of essential snaps. 

Treon Platform 

TREON gives a stage to simple online bill installment which frees of the time and vitality squander. It is engaged by the blockchain innovation which shapes a system of squares which store data and enable the client to make an open profile. The TREON wallet installed into the application is empowered to contain different sorts of cryptographic money and is consequently adequate definitely. 

The quick moving computerized economy is another motivation to be a piece of this task. The clients can enter the new and obscure universe of digital currency by simply paying their customary bills. This will expand the support in the digital money showcase. The tokens or the computerized cash is utilized on the stage to accelerate the procedures of installment. 

The corporate area and the vitality and telecom part will have the capacity to see a surge in speedy and convenient installments. Cell phones have turned into the most open media and TREON makes charge installments similarly available by propelling it as an application for mobile phones. 

The Treon Blockchain Platform is based on the appropriation of utilizing Ethereum ERC20 worldview and blockchain delicate system in comprehending buyer difficulties of bills and utility installment in a more secure and dynamic form. Consequently, with the Treon the installment of bills will be simple, adaptable and available. Treon is a single tick token for utility installments. It is computerized and will help money related comfort for the clients. It would like to remain among Bitcoin, Ethereum and so forth as a main cash for other type of exchanges which are legitimate and acknowledged monetary standards. Treon remains as a completely operational savvy contract token. It is decentralized as a stage of utility and more than anything versatile for the clients. It stands to upgrade, energize, give and keep each type of misfortunes when clients pay their utility installments and bills. TXO is to be for the most part anticipated for adaptability and flexibility. 


Treon's plan of action depends on numerous income streams originating from various utility administrations, fundamentally from conveyance edges, exchange charges and stage use expenses. Treon (TXO) will acknowledge sound edges while conveying huge reserve funds to utility suppliers. 

Treon gives back prizes to clients against utilizing TXO tokens to make selection and use significantly more engaging. Moreover, such investment funds will be the impetus for service organizations to move their cross – exchange contracts to the blockchain keeping in mind the end goal to cost-adequately deal with their business dealings. 

Through the combination of the above edges and expenses, Treon plan of action is worked to address a developing worldwide market and be a genuine accomplice to utility suppliers, conveying genuine incentive to shoppers and suppliers alike. 



With a tick of a catch, you will have the capacity to purchase tokens (TXO), see your utilization and impact your installments for every one of your utilities anyplace on the planet. Joins the simplicity of utilizing one interface through different installment alternatives to settle bills from Utility organizations on a solitary dashboard. 


Decentralized utility installment passages and preparing wallets applications worked for all clients overall including those without financial balances, with a basic and merged cell phone application to oversee and pay all your payouts crosswise over different utility records. 


Treon will guarantee the uprightness and security of e-wallet utilizing a shrewd blockchain Ethereum get that works like a multi-signature (multi-charge) wallet. We cooperate with a few master digital money totes to give Treon (TXO) clients with the best understanding of the crypto biological system. 


Easy to understand Consolidation View 

Clients will effectively explore the dashboard for full perspective of their utilization of different utility memberships; unique notice will give advantageous early cautioning to installment or recharging. 

Incorporation from Unbanked 

Treon (TXO) means to overcome any issues for the individuals who don't have ledgers by giving simple access to the cash that can be utilized as a settlement apparatus for different utilities – offering the best administration and incentive for cash. 

Distinctive Utility Account Management 

Treon (TXO) offers the capacity to completely and ideally deal with various utility administrations on a solitary interface – a straightforward dashboard that covers all client needs. 

Change and Optimize Consumption 

The scientific abilities of Treon e-wallet (TXO) will give keen suggestions on the most proficient method to streamline utilize, both to spare expenses and/or to spare vitality. Treon likewise plans to interface with applicable IOT administrations and utilize Artificial Intelligence to propel its examination and administration contributions. 

Reviving and Payment 

Using Treon's biological community, clients will have the capacity to finish their installments for every one of their utilities utilizing techniques that are protected, secure, smooth and usable. 

Installment Fee – Loyalty Program 

Clients will get grants as dedication focuses while paying off their bills or fixing up their records utilizing Treon e-wallet (TXO). This will be an extra advantage that clients will get on any installments they make utilizing TXO. 

Shrewd notices 

Customers will have the alternative to tailor diverse notices to the greater part of their utility suppliers to guarantee auspicious updates and, all the more imperatively, to keep away from suspension of administrations because generally installment. 

Why Treon? 

Enhancing Consumer's life 

Abstain from lining in long queues to pay bills. Pay bills with a single tick utilizing TXO tokens. 

United use dashboard. Keen warnings on benefit status. 

No Bank Account? Don't sweat it… Financial incorporation for the unbanked. 

Genuine prizes for paying with TXOs particularly for use of Green Energy. 

Changing Utilities to What's Next 

80% funds on Transaction Fees for charge installment. 

Digitize cross-exchange concurrences on the blockchain. 

Enhance working cost prompting funds. 

Give speedier and more effective cross-exchange settlement apparatus. 

Treon Token (TXO) 

The Treon Token (TXO) will be founded on the TPP biological system. The TXO token is the installment component for utilities embracing Treon Payment Protocol (TPP). It will at first expand on the ERC20 standard interface however will broaden the cash exchange process with the goal that exceptional installment strategies can be utilities. The TXO token is intended to be unique in relation to current digital forms of money as it will permit extensive across the board charging instrument to be executed adaptably. 

Treon Wallet 

Secure, solid, and powerful wallet to pay bills from one place utilizing the cash of decision. As depicted previously, clients will get unwaveringness focuses while paying with TXO tokens, and that is one of the most grounded esteem includes of Treon. The Treon wallet is worked with the adaptability to enable clients to exchange amongst fiat and TXO and other chose digital currencies. Clients will have numerous approaches to top-up the wallet with fiat monetary forms: Mastercards (for managed an account clients), telecom energize cards, over-the-air top-up, coordinate buy of TXO through biological system accomplices (service organizations and their contracted wholesalers), or crypto trades.

Token Sale and ICO

This token sale event allows participants to contribute to Treon and receive TXO tokens. TXOs will be used for customer accounts top-up, recharge, and bill payments on utilities network. TXOs are not an equity representation of the company.

Token Information

Token Symbol : Treon (TXO)

Total Supply : 1,000,000,000 Billion

Allocation : 429.7 Million

Soft Cap : 4 Million USD

Hard cap : 25 Million USD

Currency : ETH, BTC

Period of Pre-Sale : 21-May-2018 to 17-June-2018

Period of ICO : 18-June-2018 to 17-July-2018

Pre-sale minimum investment amount : 0.1 ETH

Tokens available during Pre-sale : 118.2 Million TXOs

Tokens available during ICO : 281.8 Million TXOs

Token Distribution & Allocation after ICO: 

  • 43% of the 1 billion total supply will be sold during the ICO proceeds (less ICO related costs) will be distributed as follows:

Technology : 60%

Marketing : 25%

Operations : 10%

Legal & Admin : 5%

  • 57% of TXOs will be allocated for future minting, ecosystem, founders and team (over 10 years), as follows: –

Future TXO Reserve : 84%

Founders : 9%

Ecosystem : 5%

Team : 2%

Smart Contract will distribute sold tokens after the completion of the ICO. Vesting schedule for team tokens.

To preserve the value of the TXO tokens, all purchased token during the ICO as well as tokens earned:as bonus during ICO sales stages;as Airdrop tokens; and,as Bounty tokens will be transferred within 30 days after the last day of the ICO.

Token Sale: 429 Million TXO tokens are available for purchase starting on 21-May-2018 and ending on 31-Oct-2018. Sales will be terminated if alltokens are sold before the end date.

Unsold TXO will be transferred to the Future Token Reserve


Q1 2017: Starting from Idea and planning

Q4 2017: Technical architecture and prototyping

Q1 2018: ICO planning & preparation

Q4 2018: Request a Token on the Crypto Stock Exchange

Q1 2019: Onboarding Telecommunication Provider

Q4 2019: Agreement with Telecom top-up distributor

Q1 2020: Agreement with payment gateway

Q4 2020: Onboarding Electrical Company

Q1 2021: Smart Contract for natural gas companies

Q4 2021: Onboarding company Water Utility

Q1 2022: Launch of Telecom reseller agreement

Q4 2022: Close all reseller agreement of utility provider


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