TOPLANCER - The Future Of Freelancing

TOPLANCER - The Future Of Freelancing

Foto Toplancer.

Blockchain adoption should be gradual — if everyday consumers see the benefits of Blockchain then they will slowly agree to use it.

How will the future of the Freelancer industry change?

In recent years, the way in which work is done has begun to change. Our future world is being built by an army of independent and autonomous consultants that allow businesses and employees to enjoy more freedom. Freelancers now make up more than 35% of the US workforce and are responsible for a significant amount of US GDP.

Bloques is a unique technology, capable of decentralizing networks and allowing people to connect. This decentralization is likely to stimulate the digital accounting books.

These records are accessible by anyone within the system, and are verifiable by empirical data. With blockchains in place across a variety of industries and niches, we can eradicate many of the frictions that exist in the financial and business markets.

One of the most exciting ways in which blocks is affecting an industry is independent space of freelancers. Freelancers and independent contractors make up a considerable portion of the United States population: currently there are more than 55 million national self-employed. Although this group has been growing significantly in recent years, they are still plagued by annoying transaction costs and a lot of competition.

The launcher will open new doors for freelancers around the world. Let's look at some ways in which the technology will change the future of the Freelancer industry.

Introducing the decentralized freelance / Zero Commission platform.

1. Investment Orientation

Freelancers are already beginning to opt to receive payment with cryptocurrencies. Familiarity with people and trust in cryptocurrencies have enabled them to receive payment with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. As cryptocurrencies close to mass market penetration, the self-employed are increasingly willing to think about investments instead of a typical salary approach.

This "investment mentality" is a completely new way for creators to think about their income streams. There will be many opportunities for investment managers and advisors to help these freelancers with their new willingness to take risks and focus on letting their wealth grow.

2. Monetization Data

Companies like Datum, a marketplace for data built on top of the Ethereum chain, use trusted graphics to allow users to store data in a decentralized database and subsequently monetize the information. While the back-end of this technology is highly complex, trusted graphics use blockchains to create secure and reliable networks for storing data.

Everyday contractors passively collect huge amounts of personal and professional data. From the work reputation to the Github statistics, the data that the freelancers collect can be put in Datum and be consulted in a database blocks. All this data is stored and made available to anyone who is interested in acquiring it. Great players, including actor William Shatner, have endorsed Datum as a way for people to take control of their data.

This impacts freelancers in some ways. First, it allows employers to make more informed decisions about how to hire. Secondly, all the data stored in the database will be verified by third-party APIs, which means that it will be impossible for freelancers to gamify reviews and cheat the system. Finally, freelancers can now earn more than $ 2,000 per year through the monetization of their data.

3. Verifiable History

One of the biggest problems facing the freelance industry today is spam and fake reviews. Smart contracts (a key component of block technology) are stored directly in a trusted network, which means they can not be changed or hacked without the rest of the network knowing.

In this way, blockchains will allow freelancers to worry about maximizing metrics for clients. In addition, companies can rest easy now, knowing that freelancers are not able to manipulate information online.

4. New Opportunities To Specialize

With any new piece of technology comes an opportunity for freelancers to dig into a new niche and specialize in one field. Future companies will need specialists to help them establish smart contracts and efficient block systems. At this time, there is not enough specialization in this space to support any type of demand expansion on the consumer side.

As demand continues to outstrip supply, being a block expert will be very lucrative. For at least the next 10 years, there will be a lot of things to know about how to build systems of digital contracts.

What Is The Exlancer?

It is the independent decentralized platform of the Commission. Zero driven by blocks, which connects clients and freelancers worldwide. Our three main objectives are to create the best and autonomous clients and become the best service in the market.

To solve the problems of the current freelance system.

ICO Exlancer

The ICO for the exlancer is live.

It is an ERC20 token with the symbol "TLC" and a total supply of 400 million. 1 ETH = 3500 TLC tokens.

There are different bonuses and rewards for those who invest early, support the project in social media, or share it in a medium such as Bitcointalk.

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Author : Eslilin667

My Bitcointalk Profile :;u=1592209

ETH Address : 0x8BF5F2559AeAe3f5CBf48cD6994A3fDb9B2Bc0a8

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