TOP Words to Live By: A Journal of Wisdom for Someone You Love by Emily Marshall pocket iphone book free get

TOP Words to Live By: A Journal of Wisdom for Someone You Love by Emily Marshall pocket iphone book free get

TOP Words to Live By: A Journal of Wisdom for Someone You Love by Emily Marshall pocket iphone book free get

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Book description

Book description
Give a one-of-a-kind gift that will be cherished forever. You have so much to share—and now here is a touching and lasting way to do so in this personalized advice journal. Words to Live By provides a simple, elegant template so you can share your knowledge with someone you love.  Whether it’s a simple life lesson or hard-won wisdom, you can offer your caring suggestions for how to get the most out of life.  Fill out this journal with your words to live by and give it to an important person in your life to celebrate a graduation, a birthday, a holiday, or simply the fact that you love them. You can complete the book yourself or call on your friends and family to contribute with a chorus of loving voices. With sections on happiness, money, health, friendship, romance, spirituality, work, citizenship, success, raising children, and having fun, Words to Live by is a deeply personal present that will be treasured for years to come.
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