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TOP Woman of Silk and Stone by Mattie Dunman (Goodreads Author) fb2 phone kickass download audio

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Book description
Some days you should just stay in bed...Honeydew Morning-Sun Sullivan is having a bad day. Apart from having absentee hippie parents, a job in crisis management that she hates, and an apartment she can’t afford, Honey is about to learn there are some mornings you should just call in sick.First, she gets fired. Then, while wandering the streets of D.C. in a jobless stupor, she accidentally enters a deserted neighborhood that happens to be a portal to another dimension.Whoops.When Honey wakes up in a world with blue grass that feels like the finest strands of silk and a sky the color of amethysts, she knows something weird is going on. But it’s when the enormous warriors who look uncannily like living Easter Island statues riding leopard-spotted Clydesdales show up that she really starts to panic.Trapped in a world that seems like a cross between Aladdin and Victorian England, with a resentful populace, a shaky monarchy, and a villain who looks like Jafar’s evil cousin, Honey is thrust into the middle of a struggle for the crown, even as a hidden enemy tries to take her out of the equation.Developing abilities she never dreamed of back home and friendships she can’t live without, Honey must use her wits and her questionable PR skills to maneuver a treacherous royal court, assassination attempts, an unexpected mating with an immortal fire creature who really likes using the word “MINE,” and to help a young, orphaned king unite a fragile realm.Cant a girl catch a break?
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