TOP Winnie-the-Pooh on Management: In which a Very Important Bear and his friends are introduced to a Very... by Roger E. Allen reader original djvu via free

TOP Winnie-the-Pooh on Management: In which a Very Important Bear and his friends are introduced to a Very... by Roger E. Allen reader original djvu via free

TOP Winnie-the-Pooh on Management: In which a Very Important Bear and his friends are introduced to a Very... by Roger E. Allen

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Book description

Book description
Using the characters and stories of A. A. Milne to illustrate such principles as setting clear objectives, strong leadership, the need for accurate information, good communication, and other neglected basics of prudent management, Roger E. Allen offers sensible, time-honored advice in a captivating style. His consulting experience has taught him that it is the fundamentals of management - not a failure to grasp sophisticated approaches - that trip up most companies.
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