TOP Wild Heart by Lori Brighton shop read access flibusta information

TOP Wild Heart by Lori Brighton shop read access flibusta information

TOP Wild Heart by Lori Brighton shop read access flibusta information

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Book description
Wanton. . .Leo Roberts is next in line for an earldom and the power and fortune that come with it, but he is uncultured, unrefined--and completely untamed. . . until governess Ella Finch arrives upon the scene. Can so young and inexperienced a woman tutor him in the manners and mores of his class? Leos mysterious past has rendered him an outsider, too wild for polite society. But he finds her innocence most intriguing. . .Willing. . .What manner of man he may be, Ella does not know. Yet he fascinates her and she must know more. Capturing Leos reckless heart is about to free her in ways she never dreamed of. . . and his sensual touch releases the deepest yearnings of her body and soul . . .
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