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TOP What a Girl Wants by Lindsey Kelk (Goodreads Author) book find format shop kickass

TOP What a Girl Wants by Lindsey Kelk (Goodreads Author) book find format shop kickass

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Book description
A summer bestseller from the immensely popular Lindsey Kelk Tess Brookes was the girl with a plan. Now shes the girl with a choice. Should she stay in London and start her own advertising agency with her best friend and potential boyfriend Charlie? Or should she head to exciting Milan to pursue both a new career as a photographer and a new man, the enigmatic and elusive (and highly irritating) Nick? For the first time, Tess has to choose between the life she always dreamed of and a future she never imagined possible. With her heart and her head pulling her in different directions, Tess has to make a life-changing decision about What a Girl Wants.
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