TOP West: A Journey Through the Landscapes of Loss by Jim Perrin txt ibooks

TOP West: A Journey Through the Landscapes of Loss by Jim Perrin txt ibooks

TOP West: A Journey Through the Landscapes of Loss by Jim Perrin txt ibooks

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Book description
Jim Perrin is an English rock climber and travel writer.Perrin has lived in Wales since the age of 17. Before turning to writing, he worked in Cwm Pennant as a shepherd. As a writer, he has made regular contributions to a number of newspapers and climbing magazines. As a climber, he has developed new routes, as well as making solo ascents of a number of established routes.He has won the Boardman Tasker prize twice, first for Menlove (1985), his biography of John Menlove Edwards, and again as a joint winner (alongside Andy Caves Learning to Breathe) for The Villain (2005), a biography of Don Whillans.For many years he has contributed mountaineering obituaries for The Guardian (see, for example, the recent contribution on Brede Arkless). He has six children by six different partners, one, Will, also a talented climber, took his own life aged 24.
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