TOP Under African Skies: Modern African Stories by Charles R. Larson (Editor) reader original djvu via free

TOP Under African Skies: Modern African Stories by Charles R. Larson (Editor) reader original djvu via free

TOP Under African Skies: Modern African Stories by Charles R. Larson (Editor) reader original djvu via free

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Book description
The talent of story telling is widespread in Africa. Oral history is part of the makeup of the multitude of societies that have evolved in Africa over millennia. Through colonial times the traditions of story telling has continued, preserving the rich culture and history of the communities. Published works of African writers were small in numbers in comparison to other continents and literary training the privilege of very few. With the wave of African countries independence, the situation of African fiction authors did not improve much. Obstacles were numerous, from political difficulties to lack of a paying audience in the African market. Larson contends that the most extraordinary aspect of African literature [during the last fifty years] is its resilience. His introduction to this collection of African short fiction of the last few decades summarizes the challenges and the triumphs of many African writers. He describes his difficulty of selection among the many and varied writers from across the continent.Twenty six writers from seventeen countries are introduced, including internationally well-known authors like Chinua Achebe, Sembene Ousmane and Ken Saro-Wiwa. Others, locally recognized, in their country of origin or, too often, of exile, deserve a much wider larger audience. The stories, roughly arranged chronologically, range from the very personal vignette to the magical realism of a place or person. Early works might address the domestic-master relationship, such as Eskia Mphahleles delightful Mrs. Plum or the moving story of The Black Girl by Ousmane. Landscapes can be important backdrops or become essential elements that lure the innocent into their realm. The Complete Gentleman changes into everything but that once he enters the forest. Conflict and devastation are touched upon as they haunt the living such as in Ben Okris story A Prayer from the Living. While the styles vary from one author to the next, we also find commonalities and parallels in the events described: personal tragedies, war, heroism and defeat. Taken together, the book builds a tapestry of African realities with the dreams and the magic woven in. It reads like one complex literary work with many individual and diverse chapters.Each author is briefly introduced by Larson and their writing placed into context of their life and literary career. Thereby the author instilled some curiosity in the reader to read more of one or the other writer. The book, published in 1997/8, maintains its importance today as an excellent overview of African literary talent. Dont stop there, however. There is a rich field out there to explore.
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