TOP Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus: Fundamentals of 2D and 3D Game Programming by AndrГ© LaMothe text reading without registering read acquire

TOP Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus: Fundamentals of 2D and 3D Game Programming by AndrГ© LaMothe text reading without registering read acquire

TOP Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus: Fundamentals of 2D and 3D Game Programming by AndrГ© LaMothe text reading with…

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Book description
bThe Barnes Noble Review/bbrAndre LaMothe s been a legend among game programmers since the DOS ages. His iTricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus, Second Edition/i is a rollercoaster of a book. First, you slowly edge your way up to the top, reviewing the fundamentals of Windows programming as the anticipation builds...then, instantaneously, you start a wild ride that doesn t stop for more than 1,000 pages, when -- ibreathless/i -- you look back and realize you ve covered the most intense terrain of your programming life. pThe book s definitive coverage of DirectX includes everything from simple DirectDraw interfaces to vector rasterization; 2D transformations; force feedback controls via DirectInput; MIDI; and a whole lot more. Then it s on to hardcore stuff: advanced gaming algorithms; optimization theory; data structures; memory management; and multithreading. pLaMothe surveys today s most powerful AI game development techniques, from pathfinding to collision avoidance, genetic algorithms to fuzzy logic. There s a full chapter on physics modeling for more realistic collisions, bounces, acceleration, trajectories, friction, and gravity effects. Finally, you wrap up with a complete case study that takes you from initial design to runtime files. What a ride! iBill Camarda/ipiBill Camarda is a consultant, writer, and web/multimedia content developer. His 15 books include/i a href= Edition Using Word 2000/a iand/i a href= Fixing Networks For Dummiesreg;, Second Edition/a.
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