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TOP Tiger Head, Snake Tails: China today, how it got there and why it has to change by Jonathan Fenby ios online portable pc bookstore

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With the worlds second-largest (and fastest expanding) economy, a population of more than 1.3 billion, a place at the core of the G20, a permanent seat on the UN Security Council and an ability to dispense cash without conditions to countries in return for the raw materials it gobbles up, China is an increasingly significant global force moving forward with shocking velocity. But the last major nation under Communist rule also has a history of catastrophe and tragedy, tyranny and repression, abject poverty, unfair business practice and inherent corruption under a nebulous system of leadership, and now faces environmental degradation and a demographic time bomb.In this compelling and lucid account based on years of research and first-hand experience, Jonathan Fenby links together the myriad features of todays China. He delivers a unique and coherent picture of its essence and evolution and contemplates its future - both alone and connected to the world around it.
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