TOP The Tuscarora War: Indians, Settlers, and the Fight for the Carolina Colonies by David La Vere windows read doc no registration full version

TOP The Tuscarora War: Indians, Settlers, and the Fight for the Carolina Colonies by David La Vere windows read doc no registration full version

TOP The Tuscarora War: Indians, Settlers, and the Fight for the Carolina Colonies by David La Vere windows read doc no registration

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Book description

Book description
At dawn on September 22, 1711, more than 500 Tuscarora, Core, Neuse, Pamlico, Weetock, Machapunga, and Bear River Indian warriors swept down on the unsuspecting European settlers living along the Neuse and Pamlico Rivers of North Carolina. Over the following days, they destroyed hundreds of farms, killed at least 140 men, women, and children, and took about 40 captives. So began the Tuscarora War, North Carolinas bloodiest colonial war and surely one of its most brutal. In his gripping account, David La Vere examines the war through the lens of key players in the conflict, reveals the events that led to it, and traces its far-reaching consequences.La Vere details the innovative fortifications produced by the Tuscaroras, chronicles the colonys new practice of enslaving all captives and selling them out of country, and shows how both sides drew support from forces far outside the colonys borders. In these ways and others, La Vere concludes, this merciless war pointed a new direction in the development of the future state of North Carolina.
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