TOP The Summoner by Randy Massey read flibusta via information eng

TOP The Summoner by Randy Massey read flibusta via information eng

TOP The Summoner by Randy Massey read flibusta via information eng

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Book description
NOTE: AMAZON LINK FOR REVISED AND REWRITTEN WITH NEW COVER IS - edited, rewritten, and a new cover! Includes the 1st chapter of Book Two: Daedalus Rises!A riveting, spell-binding tale from the pen of Randy Massey...When Ravens family is taken captive by the hordes of the evil lord Natax, her only desire is to rescue them before they reach the dreaded castle Axtalia. But, as she pursues them through the lands of Arth, aided by her friend Le-thon, she realizes that her true destiny could be far more than she had ever imagined.
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