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TOP The Santaland Diaries and Seasons Greetings by David Sedaris read itunes how read fb2 macbook

TOP The Santaland Diaries and Seasons Greetings by David Sedaris read itunes how read fb2 macbook

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Book description

Book description
THE SANTALAND DIARIES is a brilliant evocation of what a slackers Christmas must feel like. Out of work, our slacker decides to become a Macys elf during the holiday crunch. At first the job is simply humiliating, but once the thousands of visitors start pouring through Santas workshop, he becomes battle weary and bitter. Taking consolation in the fact that some of the other elves were television extras on One Life to Live, he grins and bears it, occasionally taking out his frustrations on the children and parents alike. The piece ends with yet another Santa being ushered into the workshop, but this one is different from the lecherous or drunken ones with whom he has had to work. This Santa actually seems to care about and love the children who come to see him, startling our hero into an uncharacteristic moment of goodwill just before his employment runs out. (1 man.)SEASONS GREETINGS. Another funny, touching-and twisted-monologue about the season. (1 woman.)
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