TOP The Right Time by Delaney Diamond (Goodreads Author) how download read find full link

TOP The Right Time by Delaney Diamond (Goodreads Author) how download read find full link

TOP The Right Time by Delaney Diamond (Goodreads Author) how download read find full link

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Book description
She’s just what he needs…What happens in the Bahamas should stay in the Bahamas. That was the plan, until the woman Ransom Stewart hooked up with made an appearance at his law firm. He knows he should stay away from her. He knows he should leave her alone. But for some reason, he can’t. Revenge sex. That’s what Sophie Bradshaw told herself the night with Ransom was all about. One night, to punish her boyfriend for years of neglect that culminated in a painful betrayal. She knows she should stay away from Ransom. She knows she should leave him alone. But for some reason…she can’t.
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