TOP The President of Good and Evil by Peter Singer (Goodreads Author) txt download free

TOP The President of Good and Evil by Peter Singer (Goodreads Author) txt download free

TOP The President of Good and Evil by Peter Singer (Goodreads Author) txt download free

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Book description
Admittedly, my reading of The President of Good and Evil is a touch belated, but in many ways I am glad it is because I was able to appreciate Peter Singers work more for what it does than who it is was written about. Singers discussion of the failure of Bushs ethics came as no surprise to me. Indeed, there was very little in Singers argument that I hadnt already considered. The hypocrisy, the lies, the fundamentalism, the arrogance, the vengeance, the stupidity, it is all covered in well argued and scholarly detail.And Singers conclusions speak for themselves: When Bush speaks about his ethics, he is either sincere or he is insincere. If he is insincere, he stands condemned for that alone. I have started with the opposite, more generous assumption: that Bush is sincere, and that we should take his ethic seriously, assessing it on its own terms, and asking how well he has done by his own standards. Even if that assumption should be false, the task has been worth undertaking, for we no know that, sincerely held or not, Bushs ethic is woefully inadequate.Singer proves that Bush was a failure, and his presidency was an unethical mess. But thats not what makes The President of Good and Evil such a fascinating book.The most compelling aspect of The President of Good and Evil is what it reveals about the importance of thinking and arguing critically. Singer takes all of Bushs statements about ethics and morals and applies them to Bushs actions, moving logically through every misstep to illuminate how those missteps prove Bushs ethical failure, regardless of whether Bushs ethics are individual, utilitarian, Christian or intuitive. It is an impressive critical analysis of Bushs first term as President (the book was written before the 2004 election) and an impressive survey of ethics in action.Moreover, it provides a convincing argument that all of our leaders should, at the barest minimum, be capable of critical analysis themselves (and, really, so should we all). Bush was incapable of any analysis, critical or otherwise. Perhaps his inability was derived from his faith, perhaps it was merely from his inborn stupidity, but the fact that he was and is incapable of critical analysis was thoroughly proven by Peter Singer.I would love to see Singer apply this sort of analysis to every American presidency. Jefferson, Lincoln, Kennedy, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Obama -- just to name a few -- could all use a deconstruction of their ethics. But all that aside, I think I will use The President of Good and Evil as a required text the next time I teach The Principles of Literary Analysis -- Singer has provided the perfect model of how to think critically.My only regret with The President of Good and Evil is that it is my first engagement with Peter Singer. I need to get Practical Ethics as soon as possible.
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