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TOP The Politics of Congressional Elections (Longman Classics Series) by Gary C. Jacobson online value kickass how download djvu

TOP The Politics of Congressional Elections (Longman Classics Series) by Gary C. Jacobson online value kickass how download djvu

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Book description

Book description
This is a very useful text that covers a lot of your political science basics in the realm of Congress and campaigns for Congress. There have been many editions of the book, and you would be wise to seek out the newer editions in order to read more up-to-date information. The basic issue that plagues Congress in Jacobsons view is the disconnection between the individual responsibility of each legislator to win re-election from the collective Congressional responsibility of lawmaking. Since individual lawmakers are not held accountable for the overall performance of Congress, incentives for institutional upkeep have eroded over time leading to the situation we find ourselves in at the present moment, where Congress is widely disrespected and even members of Congress themselves feel free to shit on the institution.But Jacobson also hits on tons of other important topics, from campaign finance to changes in redistricting to time spent in districts, and all the other major things you discuss when you discuss Congress. If, like me, you are the kind of weirdo who enjoys talking about this stuff, youll be absorbed by this book, even in spite of its generic sounding title.
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