TOP The Marquis Secret by George MacDonald mobi online reading

TOP The Marquis Secret by George MacDonald mobi online reading

TOP The Marquis Secret by George MacDonald mobi online reading

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Book description
If only the current Christian romance genre would go back to the shadows where it belongs, and leave some shelf space for this kind of book--more Christian and romantic in any of the good senses of those words than all the Oke, Livingstone and Fisher to be had. The more I read him, the more convinced I am that George MacDonald was a man who knew God, if there is a God (not that I doubt it, but that such a God as he knew would truly be God)--and in that knowing, found Joy. The Marquis of Lossie may not be his best story, nor even reach the level of poetry that some of his other novels do, but it is still a treasure for its beautiful scenes, its convicting themes, its complete characters (there is hardly a two-dimensional character in the book--a fact that I find perfectly in keeping with MacDonalds love of humanity), and its soul-satisfying conversations.This is why I love MacDonald:Age is not all decay: it is the ripening, the swelling of the fresh life within, that withers and bursts the husk.I tell you, Lady Clementina, continued Malcolm, rising, and approaching her a step or two, if I had not the hope of one day being good like God himself, if I thought there was no escape out of the wrong and badness I feel within me and know I am not able to rid myself of without supreme help, not all the wealth and honours of the world could reconcile me to life.The honesty in which a man can pride himself must be a small one, form more honesty will ever reveal more defect, while perfect honesty will never think of itself at all.Sit here, and look up, Lady Clementina:--see all those worlds: -- something in me constantly says that I shall know every one of them one day; that they are all but rooms in the house of my spirit, that is, the house of our Father.
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